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krach system on Fr23 after, yes, 15 /20 minutes of game
difficult to say, what happened

i ve the same at the same moment on my own savegame
About your savegames.
FR23 works and brokes on RWG FE
FR30 works well under RWG 3.41

On my side, the modifications on RWG FE from my original version under RWG 3.41 asks me too many work and I waste my time, I just see a lot of differences under the number of units...etc.
Following JUPITER (works on FE), it means more than 10 hours of work, and, I cannot.

So, I will use EPSOM on 3.43 and do the last modification under this version only. And, I'm sure that under 3.43 my mission runs well. so...
Willy привет. прохожу миссию смог дойти до главы 5, задача оказалась не простая штурм обороны без тяжелой техники сложная задача. но по не многу смог разгрызть.
Не хватало боеприпасов пришлось с высоты перекинуть снабжение. а иначе не как сделай пометку и добавь в этот отряд одно снабжение.
Следующий вопрос тоже по снабжению вышли войска для наступления но все танки без топлива и боеприпасов, это такая шутка у тебя или ошибка при сборке игры.
Буду думать как играть дальше.
Hello vovan, biggrin.gif
Give me 5 minutes, time to switch of electronic device, translate and respond
no... is not a joke... tongue.gif

this is the historic condition... The 2nd SS Corps (9ss 10ss and 2ss div) are coming from the south of France by roads (2nd) and Belgium by trains (9 and 10) wihtout their complete equipments. And, just at the same time that third days of the EPSOM offensive., see the map on wiki
so, the supplying must be done before to start a new action... on Esquay following the historic conditions. You will see that the division 9 and 10 are not completed. 10th ss has no Panther tank, the panzer jager abtielung of the 9 still locked in RUssia...etc.

So, you have a minimum of 20 / 30 minutes of preparation to do... watch out, a huge division like this, could be see by the enemy planes...

About the light elements, of course, they are lights and they are here, only to do a reconnaissance "разведка" of the enemy positions. so, they must to be use with tactic not like an independant forces

Now, you have a iron gauntlet use as you want... the IA is in the starting block... your objectives are the villages Gavrus and Baron on your left and near of the north, closed of the hill 112, the farms, the bridges (the three bridges), see the light and nazi flags.
Цитата(vovan @ 15.8.2016, 16:02) *
Следующий вопрос тоже по снабжению вышли войска для наступления но все танки без топлива и боеприпасов, это такая шутка у тебя или ошибка при сборке игры.
Буду думать как играть дальше.

Всё правильно. Модальник говорит, что технику надо заправить и снарядить. Снабжалки (карту не видел) находятся юго-западнее высоты 112.
Из пояснений Willy я понял, что это исторически верно и через минут 20 -30 ожидается налет вражеской авиации.
Налет происходит по раньше. tongue.gif
QUOTE (vovan @ 15.8.2016, 23:13) *
Налет происходит по раньше. tongue.gif

tongue.gif sûre for the first wave...
Заметил твою ошибку. когда выходит подкрепление, появляется еще и британская пушка.
Yes, this pushka is not push by his truck... crazy.gif
I have changed this entrante door for the enemy renforcement.
It s a transportation problem with the 76 pdr at gun.
Modification is done.
Currently, i m testing a late version under 3.43 with your "minen" strategy.
Willy привет. продвигаюсь в перед по миссии. дошел до 6 главы. Пришлось помучаться с компьютером и игрой. то техника выключалась то игра тормозила приходилось искать варианты что бы пройти и меня не полностью закатали в асфальт Шерманы. tongue.gif
QUOTE (vovan @ 29.8.2016, 22:09) *
Willy привет. продвигаюсь в перед по миссии. дошел до 6 главы. Пришлось помучаться с компьютером и игрой. то техника выключалась то игра тормозила приходилось искать варианты что бы пройти и меня не полностью закатали в асфальт Шерманы. tongue.gif

Hi, so nicy !
All these Shermans on this village !?!?
It s due to the trafic lane cause end of the summer and holidays and return to the office. I do not advice this itinerary !!!
The battle should be start soin by the East from Verson for a final moment startegical for shut down defenitevly this bad opération Epsom for the british...
Цитата(Roman296 @ 29.8.2016, 21:36) *
Отличная миссия.Всю прошел.
Да,совсем забыл - В ЭТУ КАРТУ НУЖНО ИГРАТЬ БЕЗ ЗАГРУЗКИ\СОХРАНЕНИЯ ,т.к. после загрузки игра встает,намертво виснет))))

да уж! Чем такой "отзыв" лучше никакого... хотя ...
"Очень легкая миссия" ... значит vovan почти месяц корячится (а не самый последний "проходимец"!), а тут такой Рома джага-джага нетленку расписал )) без обид!
Уважаемый! Первый вопрос и пожелание одновременно: указывай, пожалуйста, уровень сложности на котором проходишь, никаких претензий нет, просто вопрос.
Второе - хотя бы из приличия: пару-тройку скринов.
И третье, если не в падлу, конечно, финальный скрин, там где потери вражины и твои собственные. Ну, просто, чтобы было понятно откуда вот это: "при таком раскладе врагу надо давать в 15 - 20 раз больше танков и пехи".
И "вишенка на тортик"- Автор немного иностранец, больше скажу - француз. Даже если он твои "пожелания" вставит в Гугл-транслит, то получит кучу непоняток на выходе (ну такой он этот Гугль!) Давай немного все-таки уважать забугорных авторов. Форумулируй мысль яснее.
Опять же: "Да,мое пожелание - сделай на картах аэродромы и авиацию" ...
Все хорошо, только вопрос: ты вообще понял во что ты играл? Я про место происходящих событий в миссии. Видимо не совсем ... Особенно порадовало - "Добавил бы много поездов и кораблей." Ты прикололся? Тогда проблем нет. А так ... извини - чё куришь?)) biggrin.gif
Dear Roman,

1st, thank you for played my mission, and many thanks to give me your gamer critics.

From this map, I have built 2 missions EPSOM and JUPITER operations.
Jupiter works well under RWG FE cause I did all the modifications and translate from the version to the other, cause these both missions has been originaly designed under RWG 3.43 - the last edition not for RWG FE.

But, EPSOM does not give me the same expected result than JUPITER, I have a huge problem of infantry limit under RWG FE.

Under RWG FE, the attacks in the chapter 2 is not the same that in RWG 3.43 cause, It miss almost 300 infantry men during the attack and from this fact, your miss 300 targets during the attack, and if you play well, you can stay and hold on the Hill 112, and, you do not get the possibility to reach the 140mm obwitzers on the middle of the map.

Without too many details, the mission with RWG FE appears easier than under RWG 3.43. It was a really bad surprise for me, cause I see this point after a long hours of work from the original version to the other. I have past some hours to understand the mean of play from our sympathic Vovan, wink.gif after to see the error.

After, the difficulty of the mission could be always improve, it's sure.

About, the obwitzer : in the normal way, you cannot hold them (on the north) cause there is a dead line that prohibits this possibility ??? may-be not on your version, sure that there are a lot of different.
versions. The corrections is done by the way.

About the airport, after study the historic map of Carpiquet - Caen Airport (just at the limit of the map in the North East), there is not interest to put the airport on the map, cause I will get automaticaly a problem of scale.

A 512 * 512 is something like 10 km * 10 km not more. And put the ODON valley with Cheux, Verson and the airport could be not realistic on the map, and second point, there is no historic interest, cause the Carpiquet battle and Odon Valley battle (jupiter and Epsom) are not at the same time, not with the same army, not at the same date.

The carpiquet battle need to put in a same map, the airport, the village of Carpiquet, the Abbaye d'Ardennes...etc. in addition, the Carpiquet battle have not a great strategic interest, it's just an assault of the canadians on the 12ss positions. You can pass 10 hours to defend, but, i'm not sure that there is an interest to play only in defensive.

And for me, designed a mission, it's about 200 hours, make the script mission is something like 40 hours and make the corrections and modifications is something like wihtout limits...

My personal interest is for the historic study and for the strategic movements, and of course, it's more interesting in the german side during the normandy battle than the allied side.
The alternative beetwen and defend and counter attack appaers for me more interesting that only attack during 6 or 10 hours of game.

I'm not a fanatic or a nazi fan... but the loser camp is always the most interesting, for example, in France for one book about Austerlitz battle (french winner) you have 10 book studies about Waterloo, same thing for the napoleonic russian campaign.

Last thing, I'm tried to stay in an historic frame, so, in this case, EPSOM or JUPITER, the germans win, the idea is to show how a tactic defeat (the lost of the hill 112) could turned in a strategic win by the control of the access valley - the bridges. OK, you win easly, but, how you win which way, with which managment of the game (ammo, gas...etc). is also interesting, I think.

Last point, I'm working on EPSOM again, the last version only for RWG 3.43 will be done for tomorrow, and I have changed a lot of thing on the final phase of the battle and increase the difficulty too.
The russian version will be ready in a few days, wiht the kind and nice help of Misuarata.

the crash system can be involved by a lot of stuffs, problem of script (my job...) but problem of memory space, (I push a 4096 MO) (cause, i used the at max limit of the game), option of your graphic cards, With my Nvidia 7500 gtx (I think...) I used to 3D quality at the maximum...etc.

In addition, there are some anomalies in the game and in the script, with sometimes some bad surprises, but I accept these problem cause, once again, RWG is the better MOD on this planet. the more realistic of my opinion and my old experience of the game.

best regards

Миссия достаточно интересная. хорошо прорисованная карта отражает особенности той местности в Нормандии с ее кустами и заборами.
На счет поездов то он в начале миссии был и прибывал на станцию. аэродром здесь абсолютно не надо можно сделать вызов авиации на панели. но на тот момент у союзников было очень большое преимущество над немцами .и там у люфтваффе не было шансов на что то повлиять.
Гаубицы я тоже нашел но захватывать я не стал только выбил прислугу на одной батарее а на второй что в центре только те что были красными. боялся что может начнет зависать из за моих действий, и так на огромной карте могут быть проблемы. А так убрал ударную силу и оборонятся и наступать стало чуть по легче. огонь этих орудий действительно очень сильный.
Сохранение очень часто получается битые и потом не запускается или зависает, тоже перешел на малое количество сохранений в начале главы и в середине пару если они работают.
Моя статистика в 6 шестой части миссии.
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the railways line on my map, this line takes part of the secondary railways networks

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Cross way of Odon, the river is l'ODON

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The town on the East of my map. Check the train, is an omnibus, like a tchoutchou... tongue.gif

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Here, the main line (see the difference) from Paris to Caen, taken during goodwood (you can see this line of my goodwood map).

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31st Brigade tank just before the attack on the hill 112

Да у меня так и получается где то 1-2 поиграть больше не всегда. семья. работа.
Миссия сделана на исторических фактах и событиях и автор хотел их отобразить. при захвате гаубиц противника меняется вся игра игроку гораздо проще решать задания
Я отказался от захвата гаубиц чтоб не наломать миссию и скрипты только по выбивал прислугу, играть тоже стало по легче залпы бьют на пол карты и сносят любую оборону в момент.
Willy нужно сделать защиту чтобы нельзя было пользоваться орудиями если их игрок захватывает то они взрываются. так делали некоторые авторы.
Роман а как бы ты проходил миссию если бы не захватывал гаубицы и они накрывали тебя каждый раз. на сколько хватило бы терпения, это была бы ,,задрота,, настоящая. tongue.gif
Роман это миссия приближена к исторической достоверности по составу и вооружению противников. Гаубицы и САУ игроку тоже дают но только в 5 части. а так были Небельвеферы я ими не плохо отбивался на высоте хотя они и по слабее чем нормальная гаубица.
IG решил не много по другому вместо гаубиц он дает арт наводчиков в каждой атаке и игроку очень сложно этому противостоять так как не знаешь сколько их и где они.
Эти миссии я играл когда то давно когда была актуальна та версия.
То что ты хочешь увидеть это все есть в миссии Norta Прифронтовой город кажется, там все и поезда куча танков, арта. но то миссия выдуманная для тех кто хочет мяса. biggrin.gif
Following the reality of the battle, you have all a long f the coast 2 line main battleships HMS RODNEY 405mm and HMS ??? more than 4 destroyers ships more than 600 pieces of artillery, biggest concentration than eastern front at time june 44. So, I materialize this by the marine artillery on the north of the map. So, yes it's the truth... sleep.gif

about historic facts, for my 1st map, I used this part of my book collection :
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Here, an example of Brit. state major map that I used to build my map, you can see all the bridges of my map, the emplacement of the church, mills, farms ...etc.

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other example, the castle on BAron, middle of the map and his church taht you can see just where the 140mm stand-up

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1°) destroy the 140 mm after capture, I don't kown how I can prepare this action with the editor script, I m' looking for.
Don't forget, that I'm using the russian editor in russian tongue, and, these 4 missions are the only missions that I have did in my life.

2°) On my last test, ON RWG 3.43 with EPSOM, of course, you can use the 140 mm after the chapter 5 but, the ammo supply management should become a problem ???
I finish the mission with less than 20 000 liters of gas and less than 2 boxes of ammo more the supply trucks, it means more or less 20 000 unit of ammo not anymore
And, when, I'm using the 140 mm it was only for 1 range shoot of 26 shoots by 5 x 140 mm, in the case, where you don't lost any truck ammo or supply truck ammo.

3°) Once again, with the RWG FE version, it miss 30% of infrantry men, cause I have a problem of infantry management, cause EPSOM was created under 3.43 editor for the 3.43 version of game not for RWG FE. AND, I see the difference only when Vovan send me his own savegame. I took his savegame, start again the party, see his strategy and did exactly the same way of strategic means of play (after, some hours... and some pain heads crisis and aspirin... cigarets and coffee... and jazz... cause, i like to listen jazz music and slayer the enemy at the same time... laugh.gif )
After see, that I was possible to resist on the hill, AND, it was absolutely no expected !!!! angry.gif I ve tried to find where the problem was....

All the scenario is based on the fact that you loose the Hill 112, and need to find the solution to keep back, the better way is to control the bridge access, error of the britains, win strategy for german, and 4 500 dead for a poor result... with the risk to get all Brit. 11th Armoured division encircled and trapped, the opportunity that you play in the chapter 7. On the reality the germans, cannot close the pocket and stop at less than 3 km of Granville, on the village in the border north of the valley, more or less at the level of the quarrier, you can see the limit at Mouen on the map.

Under RWG FE editor, when, I copy-paste the mission, I didn't checked all the unit repartitions, I didn't see that 300 infantry has been cancelled by the editor FE !

SO, and the original game, under 3.43 version, the brit attack was expected following this :
450 infantry men
135 tanks
10 minutes of artillery on the wires and aorund the access of the hill
10 minutes on the hill
typhoon flights...etc.

more than the reinforcements

Under RWG FE
you have only 75 infantry men for the attack on the hill... and the same error in everywhere and every reinforcements of the enemy are the same problem, so this problem change a lot of thing.

With JUPITER the corrections has been possible under RWG FE editor, but not with EPSOM..., and I don't kown the reason. So, I think that the limit of infantry and unit are more possible on RWG 3.43 editor than under RWG FE editor.

To resume:
Im' working again on EPSOM under RWG 3.43 and some modifications has been done about the difficulty. And I accept the critics about it. But, no debate please about the historic fact, types of units...etc.

Last point about the difficulty :
there is a question of taste too, and choice of gaming way and play.
I was 25 years old, when Sudden strike 1 was edited.

I don't like the game when you win all the map only with 4 tigers and 2 piece of artillery again all the enemy forces... it s a choice, and this choice corresponds to my view of the game. I think that it is interesting to move all the 503th abteilung of tiger 2 in goodwood or a complete division in EPSOM. it 's a question of spirit. I prefer play on the management of the unit, gas and ammo..etc.

Last problem, with a 512*512, you block a lot of time with the limit of units, and some bugs, trust me is really not easy to do.

" Насчет багов с лимитом не волнуйся - просто напиши ,что игру нужно проходить без загрузок\сохранений.Лично меня это не напрягло "

Please ROMAN, I do not understand this item, can you explain me in english or spanish or russian but clearly ?

What's happened, you cannot save the game during the play game ????
Point 1 : agreed and ok, even if we can "imagine" a shoot of counter battery under the old position... Or something like this.

The intérêt of the chapter 7 réside in a progression without artillery support.

Note that the Stalingrad map is one Of my favorite too ! I have play this map, there is 10 years ago.

Wespe or 105. I choice Wespe cause historic fact. Artillery Mobil régiment of 10th ss div was présent, no artillery division (including 105 gun field and 150 gun field). Note tant you got the panther of the 9ss div without the stug bat. Locked in russia, Which are coming from the 10th ss. Except the panzer lerh, and 21st pz div. and the 1st ss lssah all régiments of each ss div were Split beetwen East front and normandy.

About the machine gun, the theory of german Platon is 10 gifles for 1 machine gun mg 34 or 42 with double dotation for the ss régiments or paratroopers.

Snipers is always the question !
Take in count, that a large part of the front at dday was hold by the Snipers, the rule of them has been always no estimaded at the valor of their rule. But, the limites dispatcher forces of the brit on sword beach at dday is due to the snipers, sans think to site Caen...etc.

Ses what s is happened in Sarajevo or currently in Alep.
Willy обратись за помощью к Индуктору он собирал мод и делал разделение на версии, так же он применял в своей миссии такой прием чтобы игрок не мог захватывать и пользоваться трофейной техникой.
Думаю что он тебе подскажет как сделать так чтоб нельзя было захватывать гаубицы. если ты захочешь сделать такой режим. чтоб не было совсем легко проходить игру.
Okay... I didn't seen this problem, cause, I play with 15 or 20 savegame by mission, and without bugs.

And my savegame work well.

Try to change your 3D option on your graphic card and push the memory system at the maximum. From 1096 to 4096 MO.

On my Nvidia card - have choice beetwen "performance" or "quality"
I use "quality" at max, this option kilos this bug for me : krach system due to mortatrs et download of the truck for example..
For destroying artillery 105-150mm you can use this script

"If there is more than 0 enemy units in zone A"

"Set health units in zone A = 0"
Great !
Do you have checked this history about the savegame problem ?
Any idea about it ?
Roman said ; i cannot use m'y savegames.
On my side, i don't have this King of but "generally" .

This kind of bug
I dont know what the reason of this bug. Maybe Roman have too many units.
Please tell me, do you have other bugs report on the building of script ?
Sometimes, i have a zone which cannot work.
Example : zone 53 (if, enemy unit enrters on this zone - send of reinforcement...etc"). Everything seems good, saved...etc.
And, during the game, i have a krach system of the game..., if the unit enter in this zone.
Make a screenshot of a problem script
It's something like a type of reinforcement which Will forgot (and delèted) by the script.

Look into the box, please.
And I look forward to the rest of the text for translation.
Do not change your mind?
QUOTE (misurata @ 4.9.2016, 15:54) *
Look into the box, please.
And I look forward to the rest of the text for translation.
Do not change your mind?

Hello, no, but following your email, i Will give the réponse on this night.
This is a hard work to do for you !
Thanks again
Цитата(Willy @ 4.9.2016, 18:37) *
Hello, no, but following your email, i Will give the réponse on this night.
This is a hard work to do for you !

Do not hurry!
Let's do slowly but efficiently.
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