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Форум игр и модов серии Противостояние - Sudden Strike > Sudden-Strike: Противостояние и моды > Открытое тестирование карт РВГ3FE > Сингл миссии
Hello, and Merry Christmas everybody,

This is the final version of my single mission.

I've changed a lot of stuffs:

- power of the reinforcements foolowing the critics
- Ai comport.
- texts
- some bugs

The objectives stay the sames, but you can mix : start by the 3 and the 4 and go the final.
Or 1 - 3 - final...etc.

The time 's mission is about 5 hours.
Please to do some "savegames" before each action due to the possible bugs during the game (cause all limits of the Editor are at the max.).
No defeat or victory conditions.

Have fun !
Hi, William!
It would not be desirable you to afflict, but mission does not open! ((
I specify - it is not started. Throws out.
I will not start too.

I'm on hit.
Sorry for this "final joke"
Let me 5 mins

here, we go !

it seems good for my part now. I think that during the registrement phase, it would be better to do and touch nothing other application at the same time...
Once again, I ve observed a possible krach system at the beginning of the game (but, may-be, the origin could be my graphic card).
So after, the presentation slides (town name, village...etc). please, think to do a "savegame" action.

Attempt № 3
Seems good, no ?
All works! good.gif
The briefing became more interesting. imho
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