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Полная версия этой страницы: English Editor Or Translation ?
Форум игр и модов серии Противостояние - Sudden Strike > Sudden-Strike: Противостояние и моды > TGM
Hi Guys.

I really love this mod and I want to start creating some maps to up load for this mod but when I open the editor I get all these ??????????? and other signs or symbols,nothing in english.

Is there an English version or a program to at least translate the editor so that I can start making maps ?

Thank You
Hi, Bobogo. There is no english version. For more information you can ask HANSGROHE via personal massage.
Me too very need English version of editor. Is it really so difficult? In this mod play many people not only from "cyrilica" countries smile.gif
Ja uże skripty pieremianował s ruskowo na angliskij, no ja nie znaju gdzie nada pieremianowat menu editora.
I changed menu of the scripts from russian to english, but I don't know where to change menu of editor.
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